Your Election Special Edition of Planet Waves FM
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Segment on advertising, also included above.
We are now offering for pre-order the 2017 Planet Waves annual edition, The Book of Your Life. This 12-sign written reading by Eric Francis Coppolino will be a thorough and useful guide, steering you through 2017 and beyond.
Hello Scorpio! Your reading is ready! The Sun and Mercury are making several contacts from your sign, giving impetus to your creative skills. Order your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric today to find out more about your solar year.
Dear Friend and Reader:
As promised, tonight I have a special extended edition of Planet Waves FM. I included an extra hour in case you need that much more relief from cable or network news the next day or so.

In tonight’s program, I have lots of music for you, a look ahead at the astrology of Election Day and up to mid-January, a look at the USA Sibly chart, a review of this wild ride we’ve been on, and much more.
In the last hour of the program, I hang out with Jon McCarthy, CFO and artist in residence here at Planet Waves.
Starting from the idea of social narratives, we contemplate how advertising impacts culture, and how it’s used politically.
I play two segments of a talk by Amherst College Prof. Sut Jhally, founder of the Media Education Foundation.
His theory is that advertising drives all of the most important narratives of our society, and that by driving consumerism, it’s also driving environmental destruction.
The documentary these segments come from is called Advertising and the End of the World. We will be back soon with more from Jhally.
Then Jon and I listen to a series of political ads, some local, others national, and one of the most famous in history, and assess them using the ‘cultural narrative’ approach. Thanks to Amy Elliott and Lizanne Webb for selecting ads, and Amy for choosing the segments from Advertising and the End.
Thank you to our customers, subscribers and members and my clients, who make this program possible.
As mentioned elsewhere, I’ll be available much of tomorrow into the evening on my personal Facebook page. We’re also hosting a discussion on the Planet Waves main page.
Vote early and often!
With love,