Looks like we are mostly good to go. There was a problem with the audio in the third block; if you’re patient, it is listenable. I could not re-record it for a third time. — efc
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Tonight’s program is devoted to figuring out what happened Saturday. Please note that I had a technical issue in the third segment (the one with my gritty analysis); I recorded it twice and it happened twice and I cannot record it a third time tonight. The audio is choppy with lots of little dropouts, but the data is there.
I must get some R&R and then get back to wrapping the Trust Yourself readings.
I mention the Brasscheck Video.
As I may have mentioned, I don’t care that he’s a Trump supporter unless that biases his analysis — and don’t see it doing so. I am interested in his breakdown of the three potential scenarios he sees, which is exactly the kind of approach I use. He suggests Trump would not have been personally involved or knew in advance this was coming — for reasons other than I do.
I’ll be back another time with my planned tributes to labor organizer Jane McAlevey and sex advice radio star Dr. Ruth Westheimer. The STARCAST below gives my analysis of the charts from Monday night. I give a succinct version at the end of the third segment with its choppy audio.
Good night, good weekend and please heed the Cap New Moon. This will affect all of us, especially the unstable or those who are on the edge.
— efc