All That Aries, and Those Aries People
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Join Eric’s exciting new class this Saturday, Karma, Reincarnation and Astrology. Learn how to view the astrology chart as a picture of karma, and how to move forward with what you discover. The class is one of three upcoming sessions between April and June — you can order all three here at half the total price.
This is an exciting time to be an Aries. Find out how to maximize your potential and get energized when you pre-order your 2017-18 birthday reading here.
Dear Friend and Listener:
Planet Waves FM is back, with the Aries edition [play episode here]. I look at all the Aries conjunctions we’re currently experiencing, including the Moon passing through the Uranus-Eris conjunction tonight, and the Sun about to pass through it.

Venus is retrograding toward Pisces, and on Saturday will be conjunct both Pallas Athene and the Aries Point. I describe all of this and more.
To make the program interesting, I look at the chart of one Paul John Manafort, the infamous campaign manager/chairman/mogul of TrumpCo. Manafort, whose birthday is Saturday, is one of those All Aries, All the Time kind of guys: many planets there, high initiative, and lots of contact with old Vlad Putin, whose chart I compare to Manafort’s.
To make the program even more interesting, Tantra Corner this week is devoted to Betty Dodson, who has lots of planets and her Moon in Aries. She’s a revolutionary of the 8th house (death, dowry) who explained to the world that masturbation is a legitimate form of sex. I tell the story of how I know Betty, and read her chart for the umpteenth time (I hold the world record!).
As mentioned, Betty’s original article in Ms. Magazine is available here. Her pamphlet Liberating Masturbation became Sex For One, which you can get on Amazon here.
Music today is provided by Crosby, Stills and Nash, and it’s just delightful. I overdo the song breaks, just to stuff in more of their magnificent work. Here’s where to find them on iTunes or Amazon.
With love,