Aquarius Full Moon, Jupiter Direct and the Woodstock Festival
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Dear Friend and Reader:
Tonight’s Planet Waves FM looks at the current astrology: Jupiter stationing direct, with Jupiter square Neptune, and Thursday’s Aquarius Full Moon.
I briefly discuss the deeper implications of the Jeffrey Epstein situation. Then I move on to a reading of the Woodstock Festival chart (included below), and Tantra Studio, wherein I discuss the “anti-environment” created by conscious sexuality.
Tonight’s music is mostly by Vision Quest (I open with a Mickey Hart piece from Planet Drum).
Planet Waves FM is part of the Pacifica Radio Network. We’re a nonprofit project supported by your donations, memberships and contributions. Please do what you can. Planet Waves FM and its publisher, Chiron Return, are seeking a major donor to help us get our more ambitious projects off of the ground. If that might be you, please get in touch.
Thank you for your listenership and your ongoing support and friendship.
With love,
PS — I’ve revived the Vision Quest programming on our main Mixlr stream. Vision Quest is the in-house Planet Waves ambient rock ensemble, which emerged as part of the 2016 annual edition. The queue now has 80 hours of recordings, writing sessions, rehearsals and live performances. Tune in here, free, any time.