As The World Churns

Tonight’s Planet Waves FM is the last before Friday’s lunar eclipse and the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto.
Dear Friend and Listener:
Tonight’s Planet Waves FM is the last before Friday’s lunar eclipse and the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto.

I cover the astrology and also the unusual news events that (as usual) surround aspects like this one. We’re each living in a personal world as well as a collective one and I give equal treatment to both.
First major event is the assassination of Qasem Soleimani on Jan. 3, which has escalated military tensions between Iran and the United States. This could easily escalate into a full-on Sunni-Shia war, or a war that consumes the entire region. Here is an important article by Reuters.
The other is wildfires burning in Australia. These stand out among many circumstances in a very busy and troubled world.
I look ahead at the forthcoming Aquarian Era (2021-2042). Tantra Studio is about how false accusations poison the well. I offer a closer look at the disclosure by one of the organizers of “#MeToo Kingston” (directed at me) that the movement was a fraud, though I have more important matters related to this issue on my mind. Here is the full text of the statement.
Here is the resource area I reference, with all of my case materials, published articles, primary source documents (interviews, etc.) and the truly moving letters of reference I have received.
Music is by Vision Quest.
with love,
PS here is the free download of Music for Cunnilingus by Vision Quest
Here it is as a standalone player: