Part Two: Where is Flight 370? What is not being said?

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Here is a new edition of Planet Waves FM that advances my analysis of the chart for the missing airplane. I explain the chart below, however, I will give it a try in writing for those who prefer to read. I focus om the fact that this chart has Sagittarius rising, which is perfect for an international flight, as Sagittarius is the sign of things international and also associated with aviation.
That means Jupiter represents the missing airplane. It is in Cancer, and in the 8th house. Cancer is over water so we have the presumption of “death by water.” It is exalted (very happy) in Cancer, but the 8th is the house of death. It’s also the house of money. So the monetary value of the airplane is a question here.
Jupiter in Cancer in the 8th house — can also represent valuable domestic trade secrets. Stolen airplane. Gee whiz. Of course it’s rather new and novel on this scale…
Cancer is ruled by the Moon. We find the Moon exactly on the western horizon, exact to the degree at the time of takeoff. So now the ascendant and its ruler, and the descendent (the western horizon or 7th house cusp) are involved. The Gemini Moon tells me a few things. It represents the contradictions in the story (two sides, who knows which is true), it represents the cycling version of events (the Moon cycles) and it represents something LOCAL. The plane is probably much closer to the takeoff spot than most are speculating.
The Moon looming on the horizon looks like a “ghost plane.” It is indeed what comes out of the 8th house, after Jupiter goes in. But it doesn’t look so dead…it looks transformed.
Following the rulerships, Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, the sign that the Moon is in. Mercury shows up in the 3d house — again, nearby. But Mercury is stressed; it’s about to square Saturn, and also Sedna (not shown) and oppose Atlantis. So there is something going on with that Mercury. It represents the truth, bound up in a quandary.
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, which is in Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Mars, which is in Libra. Libra is ruled by Venus, which is in the 3rd house and that again says this airplane is nearby — closer than people think; whether it’s found is uncertain (mainly I see that in Neptune so prominently placed on the 4th house, a vast unknown).
I have a cold and I am running a little fever — sorry if this podcast is a little rambling.

Hi Eric… Thanks for taking the time to record an update, especially while you’re sick. Hope you feel better soon. You’re right, it’s bizarre that the news organizations are completely ignoring the possible scenario that the plane is on land somewhere… though I actually did hear CNN mention the possibility… very briefly, I believe Wed or Thursday night. Their comment was along the lines of, “At this point, maybe the best thing we can hope for is that the plane was taken by terrorists and they’ve got all the passengers as hostages somewhere, and will be looking for a ransom.” I heard that once, and not repeated again (unlike everything else that was repeated several times). At any rate, I hope that we do find out more this weekend… I can’t imagine what the families of the passengers are going through. My thoughts and prayers go out to them. Thanks again (and healthy-healing thoughts to you!).
I think you were right on with your comment that some government or big corporation is benefitting from the disappearance of flight 370. Check out this article.
Who knows, they might be still somewhere on this planet, 50% as you said.