Beltane Scorpio Full Moon Edition
Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device.
The Sacred Space of Self, the brand new 2018 Spring Reading, is now available for pre-order. This set of 12 video presentations will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries, and Mars retrograde in Aquarius over the summer. Pre-order soon to get the best value.
Hey Taurus — Uranus will soon be arriving in your sign. Are you ready to make some changes? Pre-order your 2018-19 Taurus birthday reading by Eric today for handy tips on how to work with the planet of revolution, and much more.
Dear Friend and Listener:
Tonight the Scorpio Full Moon is exact at 8:58 pm EDT (00:58 UTC) and I’ve got a special extended edition of Planet Waves FM to go with it [play program here]. This is a musically rich edition, featuring compositions by Lost at Last, and at the end, a new release from Planet Waves house band Vision Quest.

I begin with a reading of the Full Moon chart, wherein the Moon-Sun opposition meets the lunar nodes at a right angle — making this Full Moon a miniature eclipse. Ceres is on the north lunar node, so the Full Moon is also square the Earth mother. Somewhere in there I describe the cross-quarter days, the set of holidays that occur when the Sun is at the midpoint between an equinox and a solstice (as it is now, at Beltane time).
I take a close look at the conjunction of Juno (asteroid associated with marriage and jealousy) conjunct Chiron, on the Aries Point — an invitation to let go of toxic jealousy and live your relationships in a way that allows for genuine independence.
I develop an idea introduced last week that “there are no private thoughts” and consider the ways that thinking we do have private thoughts and separate realities is responsible for most of the conflict in our relationships and on Earth. Then in the last segment, I discuss consent and the deeper issue of trust, including the discovery and establishment of boundaries and what that really means. Then I describe a recent experience of learning to trust women as part of my tantric process.
The last song (following Ocean of Mercury) is a new release from Vision Quest; here’s a link to download.
Planet Waves FM is part of the Pacifica Radio Network, a nonprofit organization devoted to global peace. We’re produced and published by Chiron Return, Inc., the nonprofit arm of Planet Waves. We’re supported by your donations to Chiron Return, which are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for participating.
with love,
PS — Here is the latest incarnation of Lost at Last — Jaya and Anand.
PPS — I mentioned that Vision Quest has a Soundcloud stream, and a Mixlr stream. Those links will get you there.

Chiron in Aries: The Challenge of Individuating
Dear Friend and Reader:
Chiron is now in Aries, for the first time since 1977. This is about the quest for individuality in the most deeply personal way: the cultivation and growth of your soul. There are challenges associated with doing this, which I plan to address eloquently and in a way that you will find reassuring and helpful.

Chiron in Aries is good news for those who love learning about themselves, growing and living in a way that is fully committed to who you are. Following up on The Art of Becoming 2018 annual edition, I’m honored to offer you The Sacred Space of Self spring reading.
The Sacred Space of Self will come in the form of 12 video presentations, each approximately half an hour in length. These readings will apply to Sun sign, Moon sign and rising sign. They are offered as a package, and will interlink with and support one another.
One topic I will focus on is the special challenge of growing and evolving when you’re involved in an intimate relationship — and your partner is not growing as fast as you are, or does not want to.
The Sacred Space of Self will cover Chiron’s transition into Aries over the next nine months. I will also look back at Chiron in Pisces, which began in 2010. I will give a detailed reading of Mars retrograde in Aquarius (June 26-Aug. 27). And I will introduce Uranus entering Taurus. (NOTE: In the Midyear Reading over the summer, I’ll further develop Uranus in Taurus, and give a detailed reading of Venus retrograde in Scorpio.)
Delivery is projected for the month of May. Given the complexity of the project, there’s no way to give a better estimate, but May (as early as possible) seems doable.
Pricing Policy: Please Read Carefully
First, this is one purchase per household. You may share with your significant other and relatives. This reading will contain useful information for both adults and children.
Planet Waves products are introduced at the lowest price, and then we increase gradually. We are introducing all 12 signs of The Sacred Space of Self for $88, which is equivalent to about $7.33 per sign. Right before publication, $99. Once we publish, the final price will be $111. If you want the best bargain, please purchase early!
For even better discounts, become a Planet Waves member, or call us at (845) 481-5616.
You may pre-order The Sacred Space of Self here.
Thank you for your business, and for trusting me as your astrologer.
With love,
Listen to Vision Quest on Live Stream
Planet Waves has an in-house music ensemble, called Vision Quest. We have a 38-hour loop of our music, which you can listen to any time. Included are finished pieces, rehearsals, live concerts, drum grooves, and spoken word recordings. I consider it a kind of musical divination. Click in randomly at different times of day and see what you discover.
Four Winds Almanac Now Includes Daily Horoscope
Planet Waves publishes a nifty daily astrology newsletter called the Four Winds Report. Designed as a fast read arriving early in the morning, we’re now trying an experiment — we’re including the daily horoscope for everyone.
Were it not for horoscopes, I wouldn’t be an astrologer. It was the Patric Walker daily that convinced me there was actually something to astrology, and I got my basic education studying his column each day in the New York Post.
I pack a lot of energy into each sign’s 50-word write up. Part of the value of astrology is the timing, and daily allows for precision, as well as chronicling a narrative day by day.
Your almanac also includes information about Mayan astrology (long count and short count dates), several formats of the current date (including Hebrew and Islamic), a daily birthday reading, and special discounts on products and services.
Best of all, we take no outside advertising.
Planet Waves: A Truly Rare Resource
At a time when tuning in to the news has become an assault, imagine a source of warmth and sanity that illuminates the madness of current events to help you find your way. Planet Waves connects the evolving cosmos with your own personal journey. Eric’s work has never been more profound; the chaos churning as a new epoch dawns has summoned his greatest gifts — to guide, to heal, to teach.
He provides integrated analysis that does something truly rare: offers a perspective on world events from a holistic viewpoint. Calling on decades of experience as an accredited investigative reporter, spiritual seeker and professional astrologer, Eric Francis brings you the benefits of grounded, empowering astrology you can really use.
Planet Waves is a tiny company that plays a big role. It would be impossible for us to put out the material that we do under the restrictions of corporate sponsorship. For less than the cost of a daily paper you can help us stay up and running. Subscribers receive the full Thursday Planet Waves edition, our Monday Diary, all of Eric’s monthly, weekly and daily horoscopes, discounts on all extended readings, classes, and more.
Taurus Birthdays 2018:
How Will You Dance with the Unexpected This Year, Taurus?
“Awesome, so uplifting and so ‘IT’ — a wonderful birthday message.”
— Eryca Willinger
Dear Friend with Taurus Sun, Rising or Moon:
In just three weeks, Uranus will enter your sign. As Eric described in your Taurus annual reading for this year, “Uranus transits are exciting and a little nerve-wracking. There can be the sensation of a constant buzz running through your mind and your feelings, along with an ongoing dance with the unexpected.”

He goes on to explain that, “the alchemy of Uranus and Taurus will create some interesting, exciting effects. If you allow it to, it will bring out the best in you. It seems that to do this effectively, with the least struggle and the most adventure, you need to identify as an agent of change rather than as one who resists changing.”
As you might imagine, in your 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading Eric will be doing his best to get you prepared, limbered up and excited to meet Uranus on solid ground — the kind of ground upon which you can move and think with agility, respond to the unexpected with grace, and initiate new adventures with confidence.
In two segments of astrology (at least 30 minutes each) you’ll get the motivational coaching, insight, reassurance and practical tools you need to get this new phase of discovery and growth started on the right foot. You can download the audio to listen as many times as you like, and you’ll also get an extended description of your sign.
“It’s like Eric was talking directly to me. Everything he said is what has been happening. The last year has been a tremendous challenge in pretty much all areas of my life, but the birthday reading gives me hope that I really am on the right track. Thank you for such a great birthday reading Eric! Longtime Planet Waves fan.”
— S.R.
If you’re new to Eric’s audio readings or would like an in-depth review of your last year, please accept the gift of last year’s Taurus Reading here.
Also, please note that when you pre-order your Taurus Reading early, you secure the lowest price we offer. The price will increase as publication nears — and then again after it’s published.
Wishing you the best in your role as an “agent of change,”
Amanda Painter
P.S. As always, the 2018 Taurus Birthday Reading makes a fantastic gift, sure to be valued by your favorite Taurus friends and family members.