At Home on the Web, H.M.S. Pinafore and Grandpa McLuhan
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, we have the Gemini special for you. First I go over the manifold ingress into the mutable air sign: since last we spoke, the Sun, Venus and Vesta ingressed Gemini. In the second segment, I read the chart of opening night for H.M.S. Pinafore, from May 25, 1878. In the third and fourth segments, I return to the work of the spiritual grandfather of Planet Waves, Marshall McLuhan.
Listen to a free audio introduction to the 2016 Spring Reading here. Get all 12 signs for just $57 or choose your individual sign.
Hello Gemini -- the Sun's in your sign and you can now pre-order your 2016-17 birthday reading for just $19.97.