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The Birth Chart of the Grateful Dead

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In tonight's edition, I cover the Capricorn Full Moon. As promised in today's newsletter, here's an article on the Cap Moon that's been a favorite for many years. I also cover the chart of the first Grateful Dead concert and play lots of their music. Then I cover several Supreme Court decisions from last week and this week. Additional research on the SCOTUS rulings: Fe Bongolan, Lisa Gatto, Kathi Linehan, Michael Mayes, Len Wallick and Lizanne Webb. Here's the text of Supreme Court death penalty ruling and dissents.

Planet Waves :: The Art of Service

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In tonight’s edition, I introduce Planet Waves as practitioners of the Art of Service. I describe our community and our mission, and share something of the history of Planet Waves.

TMI: Can You Have Too Much Integrity? Plus Mercury Stations Direct, Mars Square Chiron and Jimmy Be Free

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In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I cover Mercury stationing direct and the implications of Mercury square centuar Nessus and Neptune. I introduce the concept of how to know when you don't know. I then use the aspect Mars square Chiron to ask the question: Is it possible to have too much integrity? What does that feel like? I continue the discussion begun Sunday on Planet Waves about sex and gender. My musical guest is violinist Jimmy Be Free. You can find Jimmy via his homepage or his Facebook page.

The Gemini Soul, Sagittarius Full Moon & Bob Dylan

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In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I consider the Sagittarius Full Moon, which blends the signs Gemini and Sagittarius. This sets the theme of the program -- the resolutions of opposites, dualism and Gemini's meaning in this context. I walk through a number of theories of dualism, non-dualism and "logic" (which is less logical than it seems) and then convey that into a theory of astrology.