Category New Program

Nelson Mandela – Return to Orius and a Musical Tribute to the Anti-Apartheid Movement

Before I introduce tonight's awesome, extended edition of Planet Waves FM, first a reminder that LISTEN, your 2013 annual reading, is open to all readers and listeners as our gift this week (through the weekend). Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM is a tribute to the music of the anti-Apartheid movement, to Nelson Mandela and the extraordinary astrology of the newly discovered centaur planet Orius. I also cover the slow-moving alignment currently in Sagittarius, consisting of many newly discovered points. For additional resources and the chart, please see the full post.

Orius New Moon, Mercury and Mars change signs

In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I talk about the New Moon conjunct the newly-discoered centaur planet Orius, which appears prominently in the charts of many innovators, including Steve Jobs, Ed Snowden and Julian Assange. I also cover Mercury ingressing Sagittarius and Mars ingressing Libra. I also give a rant on Obamacare and talk about the chart of the Metro-North train wreck. My musical guest is Hudson Valley-based Sasha Pearl, an extraordinary artist whose work you can explore on her website. For additional resources and the chart, please see the full post.

What happened to John F. Kennedy?

In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I consider the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and how is murder led to the state of affairs that we now must contend with in the United States. My musical guest is the string rock quartet Darlingside. The first half of the program omits any discussion of astrology and covers the basic facts of the case. Here is the lead article from our member edition article from this time last year, looking closely at some of the issues that I raise in this edition of Planet Waves FM. For additional resources and the chart, please see the full post.