Friday's edition will dive into the engineering mysteries of the Sept. 11 incident. How, exactly, was an airliner striking a 110 floor building near the top able to make the whole building collapse in 11 seconds? My guest is Roland Angle, chairman of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. I will also tell the story of my visit to Love Canal in Niagara Falls, NY.
On Friday's program, I dive into the issue of "woke" and all of its derivatives. This latest wave began in the 1980s and 1990s as "political correctness," but under digital conditions it has picked up hyperbolic momentum. I will discus the writing and ideas of John McWhorter and apply my analysis to race, gender and sexual orientation.
The backbone of tonight's program is an interview with Eric West, a realtor from Maui who has transformed into an investigative reporter. He documents many strange facets to the Aug. 8 fires that consumed the community of Lahaina.
Greetings cousins and friends -- the program is on a one-week break -- this year is my first foray into a summer schedule. I plan to return next week, though I will be in transit on Friday so I may not be able to get to it -- though if possible I sure will. STARCAST is updated. Thanks and see you soon. — efc