Scorpio Venus Retrograde Conjunct the Sun
Tonight on Planet Waves FM, I begin with a look at Venus retrograde in Scorpio, which is making its interior conjunction to the Sun on Friday. I'll then offer a look at the news, in these last weeks before the U.S. midterm elections. The second half of the program is an extended Tantra Studio, featuring a conversation with Planet Waves FM listener Michelle Commesso. She is a mother of four children, and explains her philosophy of educating her kids about the most challenging topics of our day, from rape culture, to how to know what you want, to the basics of sex education.
Eric has completed his 2018 Autumn Reading, Empathy. This will be a 12-sign audio reading covering Venus retrograde and beyond. Order all 12 signs for best value, or choose your individual signs.
The Sun entering Scorpio this week is met by Uranus, the jumper cables of the solar system, in the first degree of Taurus. How can you use this energy to kick into gear? Your 2018-19 Scorpio birthday reading by Eric will help you find the answers.