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What To Do When You Feel Like You Can’t Do Anything

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I look at the impact of mass shootings in the context of so much other difficult news, and consider this in the context of the extended nervous system known as the internet. We hear from Marshall McLuhan, who debunked the idea that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." The program also includes a reading of the event chart [view chart here].

In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric, is available for instant access. Don't miss this essential guide to life after the Great American Eclipse. Order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs.

The Libra solar year commenced with a special conjunction of the Sun and Vesta. Your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading by Eric contains the guidance you need to help you focus on what matters to you the very most. Order your reading today.

So Much More Than I Thought This World Could Ever Hold

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Tonight I have for you some healing balm, in this world of threats of bombs. Here's something: at the moment, we are quite literally on the brink of nuclear war, or some nuclear exchange, with North Korea. This mutual insanity is being fueled by the noose closing in around Donald Trump, who is likely to act in ever-stranger, more insane ways as his crimes come closer to being exposed. What can we do about it? One thing we can start with is simply waking up.

In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting new 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. Don't miss this essential guide to life after the Great American Eclipse. Order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs.

The Libra solar year commences with a special conjunction of the Sun and Vesta. Your 2017-18 Libra Birthday Reading by Eric will contain the guidance you need to help you focus on what matters to you the very most. Pre-order your reading today.

This is the Whole Problem, and it Always Was

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In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I focus exclusively on Trump's threat to wage nuclear war against North Korea. Putting the nuclear arsenal into Trump's hands was the whole problem with having him be president. Well, it was one of the problems, but it's the genuinely existential threat. Nobody should have the power to detonate a nuclear bomb, and certainly not this person, who casually asked the generals why nuclear bombs were not used more often.

In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting new 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. Don't miss this essential guide to life after the Great American Eclipse. Order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs.

Your recently published 2017-18 Virgo Birthday Reading by Eric contains insightful and accurate guidance that you can use to understand your personal gifts and ignite your potential. Order your birthday reading now while it's at just $44.

Our American Disasters, and of ‘Liberal’ and ‘Conservative’

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In tonight's Planet Waves FM, I look at the recent disasters in our era of consequences. At the top of the show, I may have over-promised on the astrology, committing to a couple of charts that I don't read out loud, though which I have in mind. I look closely at the astrology of our moment, and recent events as an outgrowth or physical representation of the eclipse. In that vein, here's a link to the Dale O'Brien talk that I mention, about American eclipses. I also give a talk on the concepts "liberal" and "conservative," and how these notions are completely convoluted and even reversed at this time.

In the Shadow of the Moon, the exciting new 2017 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now published. Don't miss this essential guide to life after the Great American Eclipse. Order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs.

Your 2017-18 Virgo Birthday Reading by Eric will contain insightful and accurate guidance that you can use to understand your personal gifts and ignite your potential. Pre-order your birthday reading now while it's at the earliest price of $33.