John o’Looney, the editorial integrity disaster o’Substack, & Tantra Studio

Note the Moon is trine Neptune; that’s 120 degrees; 90 degrees is a square! You may comment on this program below or on Substack. I know tonight’s wasn’t the most exciting opening set, though I think or at least hope I got warmed up after that. It will be great to have a week off from the program; I need it… — efc
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In tonight’s season finale (I am taking next week off), I open with a little Leo Full Moon, though I suggest you check those two recent editions covering this event on the STARCAST page.
Tonight, my guest is outspoken funeral director John O’Looney, who is anything but. I ask him the questions I imagine you would want to ask, about what he has seen inside the taboo walls of the mortuary since 2020.
The biggest revelation out of the interview: he witnessed a biosecurity zone in a hospital funeral chapel in December 2019, long before there was any concept of a viral outbreak. Seems that like WTC7, the press release went out a little early.
Along with this, I am planning a Tantra Studio on why every sexual “identity” is a ruse, and why masturbation is at the core of all sexual existence.
Thank you for making the program possible by sending your friends, through your contributions modest and lavish, and hanging out Friday nights.
with love,