Edward Snowden’s Birth Chart and Some Big Astrology
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Planet Waves has obtained the birth data for Edward Snowden from the state of North Carolina, and I read the chart in this edition. I also cover the big astrology of the week — the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in the degree of the zodiac that strings together many odd events of the past 12 years (28+ Gemini), the solstice and the Capricorn Full Moon. At the end of the program I give some highlights from my cover story on Monsanto in The Mountain Astrologer.
If you’re a blogger or a journalist interested in the Monsanto story, here’s a page for you.
Just a clarification — I say there’s one Sun-Jupiter conjunction per sign per year; that’s not quite right — what I mean is: every year there is one Sun-Jupiter conjunction, in a different sign every year.
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You can find a direct link to the MP3 of the program on this URL. Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, will also be able to download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010.