Farewell to Mario Cuomo; Eris 10th Anniversary

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Here is my introduction to Cosmophilia: You Belong Here, the 2015 annual edition of Planet Waves, which is now available at the best pre-order discount rate. Here is my latest letter introducing the project and offering signs for individual sale.
In tonight’s edition, I consider the life and ideas of the late NY Gov. Mario Cuomo, telling a personal story wherein he helped me crack one of the most challenging stories I’ve ever written, involving the safety of 1,300 students living in toxic dormitories. Here is the result of my encounter with Gov. Cuomo that day. In addition to looking at the current astrology, I offer some thoughts on the 10th anniversary of Eris, the planetary discovery that compelled astronomers to define the word ‘planet’ for the first time.

Just have to weigh in, imho, about Pluto’s demotion. As a Scorpio, I take this personally, since Pluto is nothing to f*ck around with.
Thing is, Pluto’s demotion to invisibility as a planet is JUST WHAT the old god of the Underworld would want AND plan for, you know?
Consider, Hades’ famous Helmet of Invisibility. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cap_of_invisibility
To wit: “The Cap of Invisibility enables the user to become invisible to other supernatural entities, functioning much like the cloud of mist that the gods surround themselves in to become undetectable.”
Yeah, that’s the ticket. Slip off from the planetary pantheon, hang out with Xena and blend in with demigods and others. OF COURSE PLUTO WOULD DISAPPEAR INTO MIST.