Reading of the Declaration of Independence
Here is the Declaration of Independence reading —
This is the podcast…
This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM is standing in for Daily Astrology. I’m posting it early to stay ahead of the holiday — and because the Full Moon is Tuesday. We’ll resume with the overnight post Wednesday to Thursday (Thursday at 12:01 am EDT) — there will be no post tomorrow. Subscribers, please remember your Friday edition will be a horoscope only.

For those interested in a detailed written account of the Full Moon, please see Monday’s edition.
In this week’s Planet Waves FM, I look at the details on Tuesday’s Moon-Pluto occultation, followed by the Mars ingress into Libra.
These events are simultaneous, in theory separated by about 20 minutes but in truth part of the same experience. There’s something here about our concept of self and the patterns of our relationships. In the first segment I look at some of the possibilities.
After a song break, I go over the Full Moon chart — that’s at 2:52 pm Tuesday. The Full Moon resonates with the Uranus-Pluto square, as well as rings bells throughout the sky. Venus, Chiron, Pallas Athene and Mercury (among other points) are involved in the aspect structure.
Last, I look at the Sibly chart — the main July 4th USA chart. If you would like to see the chart, you can browse this subscriber edition of Planet Waves (please note my misspelling of Sibly on the horoscope — there is no ‘e’ in the name). We are still in ‘going through changes’ mode as Pluto and Uranus make aspects to many planets in the USA chart, including the big ones — when Pluto opposes the USA Sun as Uranus squares it (that’s around 2014).
Last, I read the Declaration of Independence. It’s not that long — and it’s pretty darned interesting. If you would like to blast it from the PA system at your July 4th holiday, here is that recording as separate from the rest of the program.
Here is your program in the old player, where you’ll find the full archives and a downloadable zip file.
Good night — and catch you after our holiday break.
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