Gemini Moon; Real/Fake News; the Burden of Women
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We are now offering for pre-order the 2017 Planet Waves annual edition, The Book of Your Life. This 12-sign written reading by Eric Francis will be a thorough and useful guide, steering you through 2017 and beyond.
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Dear Friend and Listener:
Here’s a very short summary of tonight’s program. I begin with the Gemini Full Moon, which is happening as we mail this letter out. I then personalize that into the chart of Donald Trump, who was born with a lunar eclipse right in range of tonight’s lunation, describing the influence this may have.
I then take on the “real news versus fake news” story that’s been bouncing around the internet, putting a pretty sharp point on things: newspapers have often lied to the public. This didn’t start with fake news websites. The primary example I give is the dioxin issue, exposed among other places by Vicky Monks in American Journalism Review and republished on one of my websites.
Finally, I take an angle on tantra related to the special burden of women in our society. I offer some suggestions for what we can do about that.
My musical guest is Laurie Anderson. We feature the following albums: Mister Heartbreak (Amazon | iTunes), Big Science (Amazon | iTunes) and Strange Angels (Amazon | iTunes).
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Happy Full Moon.
With love,