How to Come Down from the Tree

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Here are the time markers: the first segment is intro and astrology; the second segment, beginning at 49 minutes, is on Covid, where I cover two of the top non-issues. Then the third segment beginning at 1:32 is the Laurie Buchanan interview; and finally the fourth segment is Vesta Studio and begins at 2:45.
This week I focus on the fear issues surrounding the seeming pandemic and its aftermath, and how to manage our own inner responses. My guest is a psychotherapist named Laurie Buchanan, who helps me sort out this issue. Much of this involves how you claim back power you’ve given away, and your concept of authority.

I then cover the astrology leading into Friday’s total eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius, doing my best to present this challenging series of aspects as opportunities rather than as problems to solve.
There are a lot of centaur aspects, including Mars conjunct Nessus, and Mercury square Chiron.
In Vesta Studio (formerly Tantra Studio), I focus on two potentially related facets of a topic: what all this social isolation is doing to our intimate relationships, and how to identify, work with and heal issues from the past.
Those curious about Nessus are invited to read my best article on the topic.