Interview with Kasia Urbaniak
Use this link if you’re listening on an iOS or mobile device. Download MP3.
The 2018 Planet Waves Annual by Eric, The Art of Becoming, is shaping up to be an exciting and information-packed reading. You may pre-order all 12 signs here (recommended), or choose your individual signs here.
Hey Aquarius: Saturn is newly in Capricorn, and later this spring your other ruling planet, Uranus, will enter Taurus. Pre-order your 2018-19 Aquarius Birthday Reading by Eric for a reliable guide to these changes and much more.
Dear Friend and Reader:
Tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM features Eric’s latest interview with Kasia Urbaniak, founder of The Academy, her increasingly popular training school for women. We first met Kasia last June, and her appearances have generated a lot of positive feedback from readers.
Kasia’s classes teach women to handle and express their inherent power in a way that our culture still, and to an absurd degree, does not. This is an important and neglected fact in our fight for equality. We are discouraged from being unabashedly ourselves. The Academy is helping to redress that imbalance, one woman at a time.
The interview also covers some interesting and arguably untrodden ground regarding interactions between women and men: as in previous interviews, Kasia brings unique ideas and has a knack for expressing what is too often left unsaid.
Music is by the wonderful Bjork.
Thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to Chiron Return, Inc. so far. This is the first month that your donations have fully covered our studio rent. Please keep giving generously — we are grateful for all donations, whatever the amount. Eric will soon be announcing a weekend astrology workshop, so please keep an ear out for that.
Eric will be back Sunday night with another live show on Radio Kingston. Please tune in, and call in — we would love to hear from you.
With best wishes,
More About Kasia Urbaniak, This Week’s Guest
The New York Times and New York Magazine have both featured Kasia Urbaniak, whom you first met on Planet Waves FM last summer.
Kasia is a women’s empowerment trainer who skips the abstractions and uses a riding crop in her work. She teaches women how to have a clear yes and a clear no, teaching them the psychology of power, and how to remove their own inner blocks to their power.
From New York Magazine:
“Who has had unwanted sex?” Urbaniak asks the room. Nearly all the hands shoot up. “Yeah, see, what the fuck?” She says, shaking her head. “Annnndddd… Who has sucked a cock so you could get out of having sex?” she continues.
Most hands in the room dart back up, and a welcome ribbon of laughter ripples through the crowd. We could use a little levity. Urbaniak is a formidable presence, and when she first strode in, wearing thigh-high stiletto boots and a long black skirt with a slit, you could feel the room collectively hush.
Though Urbaniak hasn’t worked as a dominatrix full-time in years, she certainly still looks the part, and the philosophy, lingo, and general sense of playful eroticism that pervades everything the Academy does are all straight from the dungeon. Candelabras and dramatic bouquets of lilies are the de facto stage set; students are referred to as “mistresses” and in workshops sometimes dress in corsets and bondage gear; while teaching, Urbaniak wields a riding crop.
“You!” blurted out one young woman excitedly when Kasia asks why she’s here. There is a definite cult of personality thing going on between Urbaniak and many of her students, which is part of the appeal of the Academy. But her personal charisma (and the S&M vibe) serves as a gateway, not a crutch.
Listen to Eric’s first interview with Kasia here. You can read the New York Times interview here. We congratulate Kasia on her success.
Essential Readings from the Best Astrologer:
Your Last Chance at the Current Price
“Eric you are epic the way you home in on the most important topics showing there is a individual plan amidst these crazy times. You really are the best astrologer.”
— Stella
“Your reading has given direction and meaning on how to proceed, to learn and move forward in these difficult, unsettling times and at the same time, inspiring me to tap into limitless creative gifts. Thank you, Eric; from my heart to your heart, I send you deep abiding gratitude for your penetrating insight and your deep caring concern, with which you carry out your mission for all of us!”
— Ann Cortese, B.S., M.P.S.
Dear Friend and Reader:
If you’ve read Eric’s horoscopes for any length of time, you already know he may very well be the most helpful astrologer of his generation. It’s no wonder that people pay hundreds of dollars for a personal consultation with him.
And yet for a fraction of that cost, you can access one or more of the chapter-length written annual readings in the Art of Becoming. Choose individual signs, or snap up all 12 — so you can read your Sun sign and rising sign and the signs of loved ones.
Take note: we’ll be raising the prices for these readings very soon — before they publish: single signs will go up to $44.44 for the first sign and $33.33 for others; all 12 will cost $122.
Our repeat clients know these readings are worth this much and more; they also know it pays to pre-order the readings at the lowest prices.
We’re getting ready to release the first set of four signs, and more will be following shortly.
“I appreciate the love you put into these bigger projects and all your writings. Thank you, emphatically, for sharing your gifts with all of us. I am inspired by you to be true to myself. Namaste.” — Kathleen Judd
If you are searching for direction, meaning, purpose and perspective in these challenging times, the Art of Becoming readings will be essential for you this year — both now and months down the road.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter
P.S. If you have any questions or need to discuss your options, please email us at — or call (845) 481-5616.
Aquarius Birthdays 2018:
The Perfect Reading for Your Evolving Aquarian Life
“My takeaway from the Aquarius reading is a sense of PEACE. You really do UNDERSTAND what Aquarians are going through these days (and yes, because you do understand and explain the issues I am going through so well). Yes: you are an honorary Aquarian.” — Eileen
Dear Reader with Aquarius Sun, Moon or Rising Sign:
When you look back on the last year (or listen to last year’s Aquarius Birthday reading), what do you notice most? Is it the difficulties you’ve struggled to overcome; or the new and creative ways you’ve approached life on your own terms; or the way you’ve interacted with those around you?
Life as an Aquarius is in the process of shifting: we’re between two eclipses that involve your sign; one of your ruling planets has changed signs (Saturn) and another one is gearing up to do so in May (Uranus). And Chiron is about to move into Aries, shifting the focus of your learning and healing agenda, and hopefully providing a little relief.
Both your inner experience and your outer reality are undergoing significant changes. Using his signature blend of astrological experience, therapy training, life coaching, and motivational speaking, Eric will cover these major changes to the sky (along with subtler points) in your upcoming 2018 Aquarius Birthday Reading.
You can still pre-order this reading for the lowest price we offer — you get two segments of astrology audio (at least 30 minutes each) plus a tarot reading for the year. It will be the perfect complement to your Art of Becoming annual reading (if you’ve ordered that, too): an intensive audio meditation you can download and listen to anytime, anywhere.
Wishing you a happy birthday season, and dynamic use of these eclipses.
Yours & truly,
Amanda Painter