My guest is an American treasure, Peggy O’Mara, who was the editor of Mothering magazine from 1980 through 2011.
Through her work with Mothering, I consider her the founder of the modern vaccine awareness movement. What she wrote and published at the time seemed more like common sense than a potential source of controversy.
Mothering Magazine has led the discussion about vaccine safety, though is not often credited for its work.
Plain-Talk, Common Sense Journalism
Her objective, plain-talk journalism reflected the concerns of her readers and millions of other people. She was reflecting the concerns of her readers, who wanted a more natural lifestyle generally.
She could do this primarily for one reason: her publication was independent of ownership by corporations and hedge funds who profited from harmful products. She chose her own advertisers.
I first learned about the problems with vaccines back in the mid-1990s from my then-girlfriend Hillary Lanner, who lived in Woodstock.
A vegan who was part of the natural childbirth movement, she helped me write about Monsanto, and turned me onto Mothering, which arrived at her house every issue.
As the vaccine debate has heated up past two years, I kept looking for any mention of Mothering as where the modern vaccine awareness movement began. I describe that in more detail in an article from back in early September.
Breast Feeding and Back to the Land
Vaccine awareness began among women who breastfeed their babies and want to give them a wholesome start in life. They were back-to-the-land people — the kind who cavort with midwives, keep gardens and grow their own food. They helped revive midwifery a legit profession in the modern world. They’re the same people who don’t want to feed their kids Roundup or genetically modified food, or stuff them full of Robitussin or Tylenol.
These individuals are now being ridiculed and excluded from society, despite their understanding of medical science and their responsible intentions and research practices.
In case you miss it, someone is selling 90 back issues of Mothering. They should be purchased by the Library of Congress or the Smithsonian as exemplary cultural literature for their place and time: bona fide Americana.
A few weeks ago, I decided to find out who was behind Mothering, and with a little sleuthing, ended up in a conversation with its longtime editor Peggy O’Mara. And Friday, she will be my guest on Planet Waves FM.
The Chronological Conspiracy
About a month ago, Planet Waves FM published the first version of our Covid chronology. It is about 14,000 words covering from May 2019 to May 2020. It is not done, though we have great detail about the very early days when so much happened.
This is by far the best chronology available of the events of December and January, compiled from many high quality sources and individuals with direct knowledge of things like virus databases.
When you read it, you will understand what comedian J. P. Sears meant when he said “the conspiracy theory known as a timeline.” When you see what order things happen in, they can make a lot more sense.
I will also have some news from A Course in Miracles.
Some of the documents used in the preparation of the chronology. We are keeping printed records of studies whenever possible. The guitar is Stella by Jim LeClair. Photo by Eric Francis.
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We live in a time when it’s very important to know who pays for the news that you receive, or what passes for news. Who pays the piper calls the tune. Right now, the pharmaceutical industry or those heavily invested in it are paying for nearly all “news” reports you currently see on any network or major newspaper.
Our money comes from you, and we answer to you.
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, an official 501(c)(3) organization. We are an independent news organization that I founded in 2014. My intention was to provide a home for my investigative reporting, and to train journalists and citizen activists in the journalistic arts. We are entirely separate from the Planet Waves organization, which is an astrology publisher.
I was recently speaking with a client whose small-time podcast cost her about $5,000 a month. That is the monthly cost of running our whole organization, including a weekly radio program (not a podcast), maintaining our office and infrastructure, web hosting, Pacifica membership dues, and other necessities. We also publish Covid19 News, which has run daily since March 3, 2020.
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PS — If you would like to speak with me, please call the studio line at (845) 331-0355. If I don’t pick up, I will call you right back.
That drumming….Topper!