Joe Mercola ousted by Chase — the facts and the astrology. David Martin interviewed by Alec Zeck.

Brief correction — Radio Navigator on Radio Woodstock, the prototype version of my current Pacifica program, began in September 1996, and I moved to Germany in 1998. — efc
Tonight, I look at the situation having Joe Mercola having his accounts revoked by Chase. I also look at the chart for the incident. Then Alec Zeck, host of The Way Forward, and creator of The End of Covid, joins the program with his interview of Dr. David Martin, whom he puts on the record involving the existence of viruses and SARS-CoV-2. That interview is below, and also in video form on Planet Waves TV.
The new program is ready. Thank you for your membership support and spreading the word. — efc
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Here is the interview with Dr. David Martin, conducted by Alec Zeck.