Libra New Moon, the O+ Festival and a Crazy Retrograde Tale
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In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the chart of the Libra New Moon, which you can find in Monday’s article about the event, called You Are Human. I revisit my ideas about how robotics (that is, the Internet) is affecting our personal relationships and most of all, our ability to trust one another.
There’s a lot of interesting astrology in that first segment, including comments on the current Libra stellium, Uranus in Aries and a bit about its conjunction to Eris in Aries.
In the second segment I talk about the O+ Festival, which happened this past week in Kingston. All three of today’s musical artists performed at the festival — Pecas, Sean Crimmins and Sondra Sun-Odeon.
In the third segment I tell a wild story from the Mercury storm, which involved plumbing the depths of the internet.