Monday’s Mercury Transit of the Sun; Vesta Full Moon
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Dear Friend and Listener:
Tonight’s Planet Waves FM explores the Taurus Full Moon conjunct Vesta. I develop Vesta themes throughout the program, particularly in Tantra Studio in the 4th segment.
Midway through the show, I was informed that Monday’s conjunction of Mercury and the Sun is really a Mercury transit of the Sun — an exact conjunction, which occurs between 7:36 am EST and 1:04 pm EST. Mercury will be at the center of the Sun at 10:20 am EST. This brings in the theme of the awareness of mortality.
The entire five-and-a-half-hour transit is visible on the East Coast and across Europe. Note, it’s necessary to use special equipment to view the transit, or you will damage your eyesight.

Today’s program also has a nuclear power theme. I discovered that the 40th anniversary of the No Nukes concerts occurred in September, so that’s the source of tonight’s music — a belated birthday party. Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) emerged right after the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster.
In 1979, an incident at the facility resulted in 32,000 tons of radioactive water (primary loop coolant) being released to the atmosphere, contamination of the containment structure, and other significant damage. Six months later, many of the top musicians of the era organized a fundraiser and awareness raising event, and they continue to the present day.
Attending one of the MUSE concerts was a positive message to myself, and I trace my lifelong dedication to the nuclear issue back to this moment.

Three Mile Island radicalized me, but the high vibration and loving presence of the benefit concerts is what left the lasting impression and connected me to my devotion.
Speaking of devotion, in the spirit of Vesta, Tantra Studio focuses on sexuality as an offering; and the need for a mature concept of one’s personal sexuality that is focused on giving rather than on getting.
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We are an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network. Please consider becoming one of our monthly sponsors.
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I am open to connecting with a “major donor” who will help Chiron Return, the nonprofit that publishes the program, with seed funding to help us build our organization and increase our visibility.
Thanks for tuning in.
With love,
PS — My writing repertoire includes two investigative features on the nuclear issue. The first is called Here at the Edge of the World. The more recent piece is called Notes from Downwind. Both center around the Fukushima disaster and explore the history of nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
PPS — Here is the J.R.R. Tolkien telling of the end of Atlantis: Akallabeth: The Downfall of Numenor.