Now Live :: The Beltane Edition

Photo by Lanvi Nguyen.
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Mobile device | Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM | Live Music Stream by Vision Quest – Fabulous!

I will be playing the audio from this presentation by Drs. Palevsky and Tenpenny about people bleeding from environmental contact with injected individuals — including older women, children, etc.

Here is the audio capture of above panel discussion about environmental (ambient) exposure to the injection, hosted by Palevsky and Tenpenny:

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COVID: Vaccinated people shedding and spreading genetic disaster to unvaccinated women? by Jon Rappoport

In the second segment I mention an analysis of VAERS data that extrapolates a possible degree of concealment of death and injury related to these genetic injections. Here’s the analysis. I didn’t like his voice at first but as he goes through his presentation, he opens up. That alone is interesting. And he’s good at mathematics and understanding statistics, which we need more of.

This is a Book of Blue compilation.

Last night at The Dutch, after the Renegades lost the playoffs to the Staten Island Yankees.
And I figured out I’m not so terrible at baseball photography….this is from the 2019 season.
USNS Comfort leaving New York Harbor one year ago this month. It was thought the “pandemic” would be so bad, we would require a Navy hospital ship, public university dorms, private hotels and a massive convention center to house the sick. None of those were needed. But this is the story where good news is not allowed, and where the only appropriate response is an overreaction. Photo by Mike Segar.

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