Introducing the Oregon Lorax; Countdown to the Eclipse
First, thank you to my listeners and readers for providing the funding we need to tell the world about The Gemstone File in a professionally distributed press release going out soon. We will send a copy to this list once it's ready for distribution. Your contributions make Planet Waves FM and The Gemstone File possible. Today's edition takes us one step closer to the total solar eclipse of Aug. 21. I look at the Sun and Mars in Leo, and consider this past Sunday's first of two Leo New Moons. Music is by Talking Heads.
Just in time for the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017, you'll have access to a helpful, excellent video astrology reading: In the Shadow of the Moon. Pre-order Eric's 2017 Midyear Reading here for the earliest price of just $66 for all 12 signs.
Your 2017-18 Leo Birthday Reading by Eric is now available for pre-order. This is a seminal year for Leo Sun, rising and Moon, with two New Moons in your sign, the second one a powerful solar eclipse. Make this dynamic energy work for you -- pre-order your birthday reading today at the earliest price.