Your Election Special Edition of Planet Waves FM

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In tonight's extended program, I have lots of music for you, a look ahead at the astrology of Election Day and up to mid-January, a look at the USA Sibly chart, a review of this wild ride we've been on, and much more. In the last hour of the program, I hang out with Jon McCarthy, CFO and artist in residence here at Planet Waves. Starting from the idea of social narratives, we contemplate how advertising impacts culture, and how it's used politically.

We are now offering for pre-order the 2017 Planet Waves annual edition, The Book of Your Life. This 12-sign written reading will be a thorough and useful guide, steering you through 2017 and beyond.

Hello Scorpio! The Sun and Mercury are making several contacts from your sign, giving impetus to your creative skills. Order your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric today to find out more.


The Nature of the Beast

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Do you have a feeling that something strange is lurking behind all the mudslinging in the presidential election? I thought so. In tonight’s Planet Waves FM, I peel back the layers of what that might be. In Scorpio fashion, I look for what’s hidden and concealed; what the candidates or the commentators are not talking about.

We are now offering for pre-order the 2017 Planet Waves annual edition, The Book of Your Life. This 12-sign written reading will be a thorough and useful guide, steering you through 2017 and beyond.

Hello Scorpio! The Sun and Mercury are making several contacts from your sign, giving impetus to your creative skills. Pre-order your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric today to find out more.


Planet Waves FM Edition 300: Walking the Walk

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For tonight's program -- the 300th edition of Planet Waves FM -- we pay tribute to two men who have walked the walk: Tom Hayden, the father of many activist movements, who left the planet Sunday; and Neil Young, who still roams and plays his guitar among us.

We are now offering for pre-order the 2017 Planet Waves annual edition, The Book of Your Life. This 12-sign written reading will be a thorough and useful guide, steering you through 2017 and beyond.

Hello Scorpio! The Sun and Mercury are making several contacts from your sign, giving impetus to your creative skills. Pre-order your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric today to find out more.


Forget Astrology — Bob Dylan Won the Nobel Prize

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In this edition, I focus the astrology on the conjunction of Mars and Pluto that takes place Wednesday, the day of the third presidential debate. I cover the movement of Pluto through Capricorn, the potential influence of Mars, and also look ahead at both Mars and Pluto aspecting the Uranus-Eris conjunction.

Jupiter is now in Libra, alongside the Sun and in an interesting relationship with Saturn. If you're Libra Sun, Moon or rising, that means it's time to pre-order your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric and grab your essential guide to the year ahead.
