Scorpio New Moon, an Erotic Theory of Jealousy, and IBT 101

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In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the chart of the Scorpio New Moon, which takes place Wednesday. I also offer my "erotic theory of jealousy" and finally, offer an introduction to Industrial Biotest Labs (IBT Labs) scientific scandal of the late 1970s and early 1980s. My musical guest is Black Horse Riders, a local ensemble that goes a dimension beyond Neil Young (whose birthday is this week).

Why Scorpio is Allegedly Scary, the Speaker of the House and Difference and Indifference

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We have excellent astrological opportunities for you! Become a Planet Waves Core Community Member at $14.97 a month or $19.97 a month. Or get our Backstage Pass, or the Galaxy Pass. If you're a Libra or Libra rising, you may order your birthday reading here.

In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I bring out my old friend Sex and the Origins of Death to get under the skin of Scorpio. Then I consider the new Speaker of the House, and what the astrology of his swearing-in reveals. Finally I discuss the concept of indifference and what that interesting word really means. Music courtesy of Angel Deradoorian.

Taurus Full Moon: The Holistic Principle and How to Care

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We have excellent astrological opportunities for you! Become a Planet Waves Core Community Member at $14.97 a month or $19.97 a month. Or get our Backstage Pass, or the Galaxy Pass. If you're a Libra or Libra rising, you may order your birthday reading here.

In tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the Taurus Full Moon from an unusual point of view. The Moon was full Tuesday morning in the same degree where Chiron was discovered in 1977. Chiron represents the holistic principle, and I have offered a discussion on what that means and why it matters.

Libra to Scorpio, Ceres & Vesta, and DNA Meets Astrology

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We have excellent astrological opportunities for you! Become a Planet Waves Core Community Member at $14.97 a month or $19.97 a month. Or get our Backstage Pass, or the Galaxy Pass. If you're a Libra or Libra rising, you may order your birthday reading here.

Tonight's edition of Planet Waves FM is rich with astrology: themes of the Scorpio-Libra cusp, the secrets of Scorpio as told in the book Sex and the Origins of Death, discussions of asteroids Ceres and Vesta, and a bit about Saturn square Neptune. I read some of my recently received letters from Scorpio readers as well. My musical guest is the magnificent Tica Douglas (originally from Portland, Maine, now from Brooklyn), from her 2015 CD Joey. You can learn more about Tica through her website or purchase her album here.