Conversation with Dr. Angelo Castello

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM This week’s edition of Planet Waves FM is a conversation with Dr. Angelo Castello, someone I’ve known 25 years and with whom I’ve had an ongoing discussion of holistic health. We talk about “terrain theory” as the thing that makes the difference — that is, the condition of the person rather than the alleged power of the pathogen. This is an exciting, unusual discussion between two people well-versed in holistic health issues, and who understand one another’s points of view.


How To Think For Yourself

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM Tonight’s program is called “How to Think For Yourself.” I begin with a discussion of thinking for yourself in the face of fear and deception. In the second segment (beginning at 1:05), I cover the Cancer New Moon. I do not cover the Leo ingress; that will have to wait for Monday’s edition. Then is the Andrew McLuhan interview (beginning at 1:48) and Vesta Studio on involuntary celibacy (beginning at 2:48).


Where We are Headed

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM In this weekend’s program, I consider the astrology where “this all” is headed — the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, about which I probably did not say enough. This is the final resolve of all we’ve experienced in 2020, yet the outcome is not certain. Like many things right now, much hangs in the balance. And that balance is the willingness to be aware. The mid part of the program is a conversation with Spencer Stevens, who has been coediting Covid19 News with me the past couple of months, and…



  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. Thank you for sponsoring Planet Waves FM In this week’s season finale, I cover all the current astrology here at the solstice crux. More astrology is on the Daily Planets tab. I discuss the latest in news where science meets spiritual growth, and a new edition of Vesta Studio covering the impact of Covid 19 on the social aspects of sex.
