Planet Waves FM :: Aries Full Moon, Betraying the Kurds, Of Liberal and Conservative, and Tantra Studio
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Please note a correction: players for the Hudson Valley Renegades earn about $1500 per month, not per week. The playing season is three months.
Dear Friend and Listener:
I have Planet Waves FM early for you this week. It’s the Full Moon edition, though I start with a brief discussion of the situation in Syria as relates to Turkey. Then I size up the Full Moon. Then I give a presentation I’ve been wanting to do for years, which involves the definitions of liberal and conservative, and how modern politics mangles them. (The links go to the etymologies I talk about.)

In Tantra Studio, I discuss this article from The New York Times. But not enough, or maybe too much. I may miss my central point: it’s absurd to say that all men are jerks, or fail to “work on” themselves. All of the men I am close to are self-aware, or aspire to be.
All of tonight’s music is by me (well, I play some Vision Quest drumming at the end, though the rest is what my bandmates would consider solo work). This includes a 30-minute ambient piece at the end of the program, and the poem “Autobiographical Note.”
If you listen to me every week, please support my work. Keep the lights on and all those gigabytes humming on the server. We are a 501(c)(3) seeking our first generous person to provide seed funding to help us get to the next level. Call me if you want to talk about that.
Please note a correction: players for the Hudson Valley Renegades earn about $1500 per month, not per week. The playing season is three months.
Thanks for tuning in.
With love,
PS — Here is the weekly horoscope as promised, along with my Full Moon coverage.

PPS — Soon we will be sending out the initial purchase offer for the 2020-2021 annual edition of Planet Waves, called RESPECT. Check your email, check Facebook, check it out!