My Dogma Barked at my Karma: Saturn in Sagittarius
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In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I look at the most interesting day of 2015 — Thursday, Sept. 17. What’s so interesting? All the fanfare surrounding the Saturn ingress of Sagittarius: the Jupiter-Neptune opposition, Saturn square Nessus, Sun square Pholus, Venus quincunx Chiron and Mercury stationing retrograde.

Saturn in Sagittarius is the main event — the rest is just a big astrological party honoring this transit. And what is Saturn in Sagittarius about?
I think we will see a real meeting between the dogma of Saturn in Sagg and the unraveling power of Neptune in Pisces. I pay special attention to Saturn square centaur planet Nessus, which is in effect the moment Saturn ingresses Sagittarius.
I devote plenty of the program to the permutations of Mercury retrograde (and as promised, here is that resource area).
My musical guest is Bob Dylan, who I feature from time to time — songs from his 1983 album Infidels.
I tell the story of this album and where it fits in the history of Dylan’s repertoire (preceded by the Christian trilogy), and his collaboration with Mark Knopfler, the record’s producer.
This is the “no news is good news” edition where I take a break from current events and keep things super duper personal.
Many thanks to Jeff Rosen at Special Rider Music.
PS — I’ve been hearing from Libras all day about what you’ve been going through the past few years. I will be responding in the Libra reading for 2015-2016, which is now available for preorder at the best possible price. Here is how to order.
One of our Leo reading customers just sent in this comment today: “I’ve listened to these each three or four times, and will continue to repeat them again. Your readings are so rich with information, deeply congruous, and could not be more pertinent to my life and situations. I do not claim to be audience to many, as I have an audience of my own that I serve, but your voice is one of those that I count on. I cannot express greater appreciation for the services of any one person in existence.”