The September 11 Incident: How Exactly Did That Happen? Return to Love Canal. Tantra Studio.

Thank you for supporting the program and the journalistic mentorship work of Chiron Return. Every donation counts, no matter how small. — efc
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The program is ready. Thanks for tuning in. Stand-alone player with the Roland Angle interview is below the photos. Please scroll down!
This article by Stan Goff is essential reading. It was the first thing I read on 9/11 that poked a great big hole in the story. Goff focuses on the Flight 77 fairy tale, an airplane allegedly expertly piloted by someone whose flight skills were so dismal, he could not rent a Cessna the summer of 2001.

For the first 30 minutes after an explosion inside the Pentagon, the wall stood intact. Then it collapsed. This is of historic record, but I also have it firsthand from Steve Inskeep of NPR, who was my colleague in the 1990s covering the New York State capitol. He was one of the first reporters on the scene, and was there before the collapse, and watched it. Here is what the building looked like for half an hour. There is no jet airplane or impact zone to be seen. Try to find photos like this still online — it’s very difficult.

Additional Resources
Architects and Engineers documentary that I reference several times, “Explosive Evidence.”
Here is their video gallery, with many documentaries. And here is their home page. That opening quote from Amy Goodman sure is a hoot. I am amazed she can live with herself.
Here is an important paper from the Journal of 9/11 Studies about the Pentagon attack in context.
Tonight’s interviews are ready now — Roland Angle, and psychologists speak out.
Also note, Jeff Strahl writes, regarding AE-911 Truth membership: “3,657 is the number of degreed architects and engineers who have signed the petition. I don’t know how many are P.E.’s or P.A.’s. You can view the full list at that page, scroll down, each signatory lists degrees and licenses. A P.E. license requires a test, you need a bachelor’s to take the test, it’s hard. Engineering classes in college are marked on a curve (usually), otherwise 70-80% would have routinely failed most of the ones I’ve taken. P.E. tests show no such mercy.”
Special Editions of STARCAST related to tonight’s program – ready now.

Special STARCAST edition on 9/11 astrology published Sunday, Sept 10
Charts, notes and resources are here.
Just found your show courtesy of the AE911 site. Every year around 9/11 I get this uneasy, depressing feeling of despair. The case against the official narrative has been thoroughly dismantled by this point, but every year, like a bad acid trip flashback, it returns, unquestioned and above reproach. This time of year always feels like living in some bizarro world. I always look to find out if anyone is still living and communicating reality, which brought me here. This is just a long way of saying thanks for your work. You’ve definitely got a new listener.
Just found your show courtesy of the AE911 site. Every year around 9/11 I get this uneasy, depressing feeling of despair. The official narrative has been thoroughly dismantled by this point, but every year, like a bad acid trip flashback, it returns, unquestioned and above reproach. This time of year always feels like living in some bizarro world. I always look to find out if anyone is still living and communicating reality, which brought me here. This is just a long way of saying thanks for your work. You’ve definitely got a new listener.