The Beltane Edition with Loreena McKennitt
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Dear Friend and Listener:
Tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM focuses on Beltane, though first I describe the current, highly and deeply unusual Mercury station direct in Aries. That takes place Wednesday [view chart below].
Mercury is stationing direct conjunct the Uranus-Eris conjunction — a kind of historic event, and I’m curious to see what Wednesday’s news holds. The triple conjunction of Mercury, Uranus and Eris will hold clear through Beltane weekend. For those curious about my class, here is a link describing it.

In the second section, I talk about Beltane and the cross-quarter days, and describe my take on the significance of this holiday.
I also tell the story in this section of “Red Pill” culture and the recent revelation that a New Hampshire state legislator is credited with founding this area of Reddit. I give a refresher on the Waking Life coffee guys [play that episode here] and then talk about the environmental background that I believe leads to this kind of thing.
In the third section, I look at Loreena McKennitt’s natal chart, and play a few minutes of a 1994 interview with her from KCRW-Santa Monica. (You can find more information on Loreena and her music here and here.) And finally in Tantra Corner, I talk about houses 5, 8 and 12, which I think give us three excellent options for discussing sexuality.
Today’s section breaks are:
00 Minutes — Section 1, intro and Mercury direct
37 Minutes — Section 2, Beltane and Red Pill culture
1:28 Minutes — Section 3, Loreena McKennitt chart and interview
2:03 Minutes — Section 4, Tantra Corner on houses 5, 8 and 12
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, Inc., a 501(C)(3) nonprofit corporation. This program has one corporate sponsor, Planet Waves, which is in turn supported exclusively by your contributions, memberships and product purchases.
Thank you for being part of our broadcasting adventure.
With love,

Two Corrections from Last Week
During last week’s program about Robert M. Pirsig, featuring Yes, I made two factual errors. Firstly, Pirsig taught at Montana State University at Bozeman (not University of Montana).
One of our listeners, Steve Guettermann, teaches on that campus, and took the photo above and pointed out the error. Pirsig, like many famous people involved with small towns, has not been fully appreciated for his contributions. Yet there is at least an acknowledgement in Renne Library on that campus, including a plaque made by some students fairly recently, and a framed map of the motorcycle journey with a photo of Pirsig and his son Chris.
Second, Greg Cedarbeard of Portland, OR, wrote in:
Tales From Topographic Oceans was one of my favorite albums in my recovery from a heavy metal only phase of my teens. Thanks for including it! The album the other three came from is called Fragile, not “Roundabout.”
“The Fish” was Chris Squire’s composition, and “Mood For A Day” was by Steve Howe. Jon Anderson was not always the lead composer in Yes. That being said it was refreshing to hear about your experience with their music.
Steve, Greg, thanks for the additional info. It’s easy to make mistakes on the radio since I’m never quite sure where I’m going to go. Anyone with corrections to Planet Waves FM may write to me at Thank you.