Brian Eno, center, and U2, doing something — playing with mouse traps, or guitar pedals, or lighting books on fire — I don’t know what, early 1980s. Actually, they’re working on the CD cover. Present left to right are Adam Clayton, designer Steve Averill (who came up with the band name U2, and who designed all of their album covers), Bono (Paul Hewson), and to the right of Eno, The Edge (David Evans).
Dear Planet Waves Listener:
Today’s edition of Planet Waves FM is really a glorified version of my old show, the Music Appreciation Hour. Only today you might say that it’s Record Producer Appreciation Hour, if that producer is Brian Eno and if his clients are some of the most sublime musical artists of our lifetimes.
Brian Eno, who turned 69 yesterday.
More on that in a moment.
I go over the current astrology, including Mercury in Taurus, the continued discussion of Mercury direct splitting open the Uranus-Eris conjunction, and that whole crazy thing where Trump fires the chief of the FBI, while he’s busy chumming around and revealing state secrets to the USSR, er, the Russians. Those people about whom we keep hearing so much.
What’s this got to do with the Great American Eclipse of Aug. 21, 2017? I get into that, too.
Then I look at the charts of Eno, David Bowie, David Byrne and Bono, and show where they connect mainly through the earth signs Taurus and Capricorn, and through Scorpio. Here’s Eno’s chart, and in a separate window, here are the charts of three rather earthy rockers.
In Tantra Corner, I look at one of Wilhelm Reich’s most famous quotes about the appeal of fascism, its relationship to sexual repression, and how self-sex unravels the whole knot.
Planet Waves FM is published by Chiron Return, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, which in turn is part of the Pacifica Radio Network. We are supported exclusively by your memberships, reading purchases and donations. To become a member of Planet Waves, please visit this link.
With love,
To purchase the music featured today, here are some links to Amazon and iTunes.
Jonah Kelly Francis and Henrietta Saint Francis on the world’s largest dog bed.
Dear Friend of Planet Waves:
I don’t say this out loud often, but the world is a scary place right now. While many spiritual traditions say that fear is never an appropriate response to life, it’s certainly understandable. It’s so intense that I have to talk myself down from the tree every now and then, and put myself back on solid ground.
Here’s what I think is the most frightening thing: the dim recognition that we cannot really do anything about the world’s problems. Even when you get to a place where you feel somewhat confident and stable, the crises of the planet — psychological, environmental, political, economic, all of it — are always right outside the front door. And people seem frozen, struggling even for the concept of solutions.
Uranus, the planet of revolution.
Think of it. Aware, sensitive people know there are problems, and we also feel the seeming paralysis. Not only that, we’re inundated with influences to shut down our awareness and sensitivity; and consciousness-raising tools are difficult to find, and they’re not usually so world-savvy: that is, they’re rarely grounded in actual experience.
Really, I’m amazed anyone finds any peace of mind at all. It is a struggle if not, it takes experience. And as Lou Reed said, a busload of faith.
My job these days is to fashion tools. Using astrology, spiritual paths, and everything I’ve learned both in therapy and working with people, I make resources that will help you learn, seek self-understanding, and meet the world around you eye to eye. I don’t provide answers. I’m good at something much better, and more relevant, which is helping you to ask the right questions.
I reckon that with the world as overly complicated and insane as it is, astrology is one of the few tools capable of embracing both problem and solution, both private and collective. This is the gift we have, which we need like never before.
My approach to astrology is designed to point you inward, in a way that feels safe, sane and loving. Right now I’m working on a new project, timed for spring 2017: INVOLUTION: The Revolution is Within.
1. David Bowie — Hunky Dory (Amazon | iTunes)
2. David Bowie — Low (Amazon | iTunes)
3. Talking Heads — 77 (Amazon | iTunes)
4. Talking Heads — Remain in Light (Amazon | iTunes)
5. U2 — October (Amazon | iTunes)
6. U2 — The Unforgettable Fire (Amazon | iTunes)
7. U2 — The Joshua Tree (Amazon | iTunes)
8. Brian Eno — Another Green World (Amazon | iTunes)