Category New Program

Capricorn Full Moon, the Last Hurrah of the Grand Cross, the Void of Course Moon and the Progressed Horoscope

Use this link if you're using an Apple mobile device. Link to archive.   Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. The new edition of Planet Waves FM covers the Capricorn Full Moon and the last stand of the cardinal grand cross, as well as an astrology lesson on the void of course Moon and reading progressed horoscopes.   Discover how you can benefit from my professional astrology services. Learn about being a Planet Waves Core Community Member.

Mercury Direct, the Hobby Lobby Decision and the USA Chart

Use this link if you're using an Apple mobile device. Link to archive.   Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM I cover Mercury direct, the Hobby Lobby decision and the United States Sibly chart. The decision came out immediately before Mercury stationing direct -- about 23 hours before. This suggests that there is, at least, going to be an unexpected backlash, and that the decision might be reversed. This will certainly be an issue used to galvanize women in the coming two federal elections.   Discover how you can benefit from my professional astrology services. Learn about being a Planet Waves Core Community Member.

Cancer birthday reading — free preview, now playing!

Use this link if you’re using an Apple mobile device.   Today I've got a free preview of the Cancer birthday reading for 2014-2015. This is one of the most affordable, useful and excellent reading packages in the entire astrological profession. The preview goes about 19 minutes (including some groovy new music from me and Daniel Sternstein), which is about what you would get as your whole audio reading most other places! If you like what you hear, you may purchase at the pre-order price of $29.95. It will go up to $49.95 ($39.95 for Planet Waves members) once the reading is published early next week.

Neptune Transits, The Freedom to Deceive, Early Summer Astrology and the Hobby Lobby Case

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Planet Waves FM is presented free from commercial interruption. In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM I cover the last week of Mercury retrograde, Venus square Neptune and Sun trine Neptune, as well as the astrology of July 2014, particularly Mars and Jupiter changing signs. I then take a look at the Hobby Lobby case, now before the Supreme Court, likely to be decided on Thursday. Stay tuned to the Planet Waves main page for updates about that.
Discover how you can benefit from my professional astrology services. Learn about being a Planet Waves Core Community Member.