Tonight mostly I’m going to entertain you with the philosophy of belief and awareness, with some help from my old friend Alan Watts. I’ll have music and an interview with Grateful Dead percussionist and drummer Micky Hart – the band’s only person born on the East Coast, and the only Virgo.
Tonight’s program covers scientific ethics from several angles. I will look at the issue of the precautionary principle. What do you do when working with limited information? Who gets the benefit of the doubt? I will discuss the idea of informed consent. I have coverage of this week’s FDA approval of a Covid “vaccine” that we understand is not actually available in the United States. Was this even legal?
Your human right to choose or refuse medical treatment. Filmmaker Tobe Carey on the building of the Ashokan Reservoir. Tantra Studio on intimacy amidst the digital trance.
Tonight's Tantra Studio is a study of relating and sexuality in the digital age. I redefine love as a blend of trust and respect. To be open and live in our times means being at peace with anything about you being known to anyone at any time. A tall order, though that is indeed the reality of the time in which we live.