The Collateral Damage of the Rape Culture Theory

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First, I want to invite men in my listening audience into a call-in program this Thursday night at 9 pm EDT. The topic will be relationships between the sexes, how men are treated, how we perceive women and what it’s like to live in the middle of the “rape culture” theory. This will be a get-real moment where men will have an opportunity to speak their hearts and minds and be heard.

I want to hear from men who are lonely, who feel like they’re accused of not having feelings, and who feel presumed guilty before there is even a real question.
And I want to hear from parents about how you feel raising your kids in this environment — what do you tell them and how do you educate them?
Call-in details for this program are below. In addition, watch your email, and the front pages of Planet Waves and Planet Waves FM, if you need those details prior to the program.
If you’re curious about the format, listen to this recent program featuring women of Asheville and elsewhere.
Now for tonight’s program. I look at these very issues; I read a lot of reader mail that I’ve received over the past week in the aftermath of the Asheville incident. I discuss why a parent wrote this to me: “My son, a millennial, has voiced his fears about dating young women his age, and his feelings of loneliness and alienation. He doesn’t want to date or even approach a young woman his age for fear that he would be accused of rape, viewed as a potential rapist, seen as the enemy.”
I cover the current astrology, developing the theme of the transition between the Uranus-Pluto era and the Saturn-Neptune era. I do a Mercury retrograde tuneup, and consider Mars conjunct Jupiter in Virgo.
My musical guest is the magnificent Rosanne Cash. I play three of her older songs, which fit the themes of our recent discussions. I don’t read her astrology, but I’ll tell you that she gleams with the clear light and inner-mirror of Gemini.
Thursday’s Call In Details
Time: Thursday, October 1st at 9:00 pm EDT
Listening methods: Phone, Webcall, Skype, Web Simulcast
Phone number: (425) 440-5100
Event Code: 472091#
Or to listen live on the Internet, please use this link. The recording will be published to Planet Waves FM. EVERYONE IS INVITED.
[…] New edition just published! Focusing on rape culture. […]