Behind the scenes at Planet Waves, with love from Lanvi.
New program at full bandwidth. I have not had a chance to divide the program into separate players. I’m planning that for the Mike Yeadon and the WHO/monkeypox segments. Here are time markers: Kate Bush interviews and chart reading, and acknowledgement of donors, starts at the song break at 45 minutes. Mike Yeadon section starts at about 1:24 after the music. WHO/monkeypox section starts at about 2:02. Closing segment starts at about 2:53. All times approximate. Sections are divided by music breaks.
I know I’ve promised other resources — please write to me at and remind me what and I’ll post them asap. For now I am calling it a week.
Our friends at the Liberty Bookshop – our official suppliers of subversive literature and rare books. They can find it! And they’re not Amazon!
Tonight’s program (which usually posts before its 10 pm scheduled time) is developing rapidly — though before I get there, I’m planning to record Leo Astrology Studio. If you’re Leo Sun or rising and you want to get a great reading and also support the program, you’re invited.
As for the show —
It’s starting to look like virology may be thrown out of science like the Bonanno crime family got chucked from the mafia after an undercover FBI agent infiltrated them. Virology works just fine as a science until you apply the scientific method.
I’ll begin the program with the Leo New Moon, which happened Thursday. As that approached, it was one revelation after the next. The World Health Organization (WHO) voted twice NOT to declare a monkeypox pandemic, but its director-general did so anyway. I have written coverage here.
They are still blaming a “gay rave” in Belgium or maybe it was the Canary Islands for their wholly-imagined “outbreak” of nothing except bad vibes. To me this signals a disturbing sea-change in the rhetoric directed at the LGBTQ community. Take heed.
Former Pfizer Science Officer Mike Yeadon Acknowledges that ‘SARS-CoV-2’ Cannot Infect Healthy Lung Tissue
Next, Micheal Yeadon, the acclaimed virologist and former head of Pfizer’s respiratory sciences area — who held the titles chief science officer and vice president — has admitted that whatever SARS-CoV-2 may be, the scientific data says that it does not and cannot infect healthy lung cells.
Michael Yeadon is former vice president and chief science officer of Pfizer. His specialty is respiratory viruses and corresponding vaccines and medication.
I have, previously, corresponded with Yeadon extensively on the issue of whether SARS-CoV-2 exists, and will read some of those emails. (The central question: is a theoretical metagenomic transcript really a sequence of anything? This is also called an in silico sequence. You heard about that here first.)
Yeadon has signed onto a scientific challenge designed to settle that question, and he explains why. You can go right to last week’s coverage of that issue in this short presentation called A Pile of Dust is Not a Grapefruit.
I also learned that there are now 6.4 million claimed “variants” of this phantom virus — but incredibly, not one original to check against. They just kind of take the average and that’s the one. Imagine ordering dinner from a menu this way. (How did those poached eggs end up in my chicken cacciatore?)
My discussion with Jeremy Nell about life under digital conditions continues. You may listen to a shorter version of our conversation last week on TNT here.
And I’ll have music from my favorite kitty cat rock star of them all. See if you can guess who that is. Clue: the Floyd’s David Gilmour helped her get started.
QUESTION — Is anyone following events at the CERN reactor in Geneva? I have some questions.
Thanks for tuning in, and thank you for supporting the program. If you steward a charitable family trust, let’s talk journalism!
PS — If you have not taken a look at the chronology, please visit. This is an example of what journalism is supposed to do. It’s taken 30 months, a worldwide research team, and coordination through Chiron Return.