Our Get Real Moment
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The standoff in Egypt…the ambush on women’s rights…conservatives and liberals working together…all set in the context of the USA Sibly chart and the Cancer New Moon — that’s what’s on tap in tonight’s Planet Waves FM. Here’s your free preview of the 2013-2014 Cancer birthday reading.
Here is a link to an article about the Thema Mundi — and the chart. This is from our member archives — this is what your Planet Waves membership helps us co-create.
Here’s your link to become a member of member of Planet Waves FM.
You can find a direct link to the MP3 of the program on this URL. Here is your program in the Old Player. Note, will also be able to download a compressed file of the program on the Old Player page, which also includes a full archive of Planet Waves FM going back to 2010.