Syria and Obama: Interrupting the March to War

For many reasons, this is a week to pay attention -- Mars is square Saturn first thing Monday morning. Mercury enters Libra passes through the territory in Libra where Mars will be retrograde next year. In this edition I cover the ethical issues as well as the astrology. I covered this last week in an article that I've released to the public, called How You Can Tell Syria is a Scam. The Sun passes through the Pholus/Ixion opposite Chaos aspect.

Backstage Uptown: The Interview

In this special edition of Planet Waves FM, I introduce the guys who have created Backstage Studio Productions into a first-class musical venue in Uptown Kingston, NY. I introduced them in last Friday's edition in an article called Backstage: Uptown Kingston, NY (which you can access at that link). Each Wednesday evening we'll be hosting a podcast by Mike Amari at BSP who will introduce that weekend's music. Even if you're not local you'll benefit from this podcast -- you'll be introduced to the music and we'll provide links to the artists' webpages. Today's edition includes music by the rock string quartet Darlingside and Gary Lucas.

Proposed Syria Attack, Virgo New Moon & Mars square Saturn

Will we got to war with Syria? Why are we asking this kind of question again? Yes, we're being invited once more to endorse the state of perpetual war. I do my best to untangle this overwhelming situation. Mars is the leading planet, as you might expect. Along the way is the Virgo New Moon, exact Thursday morning EDT, bubbling with tension, passion and the sense of something about to happen. My musical guest today is Graveyard Lovers from New York City, with two songs from their new CD "Dreamers."