Tonight on Planet Waves FM Our Aquarius Astrology and the Internet; and an Actual Scientific Debate — the Split in the Covid Truth Movement Dear Friend and Listener: Have you visited the Planet Waves FM website? It’s something special.
The Great Debate: Is There a Virus?
There is a split in the covid truth movement, over whether there is actually a thing called SARS-CoV-2. You might think this is an absurd question; everyone knows cars have wheels. I will present both sides of the scientific debate.
Interview with John Gilmore of Children’s Health Defense and founder of Autism Action Network
Over the past couple of years, I've run into John Gilmore at various events. He is executive director of the New York chapter of Children's Health Defense, and founder of Autism Action Network. He's impressed me many times as someone with an easy handle on the issues.
Full-Day Workshop with Dr. Thomas Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman, at ArkLight in Ghent, NY
Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman were drafted into Covid education unplanned like the rest of us. They are two of the best presenters on many issues, and offered a full-day virology/biology/germ versus terrain theory class in November 2020.