In the Wake of Adversity

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen. In this week’s Planet Waves FM, I make a reference to several articles, all of which can be found on the homepage of This program takes some interesting turns to places I was not expecting to go. In Tantra Studio, I have some additional thoughts pertaining to Venus in Gemini and Venus conjunct Vesta.


The Road to Nowhere

  Photo by Lanvi Nguyen Here is your new program — first with a check-in about your situation in the midst of this nutty world we’re suddenly living in. This is followed by a review, and preview, of the current astrology — from the Aries New Moon last Tuesday, to the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction, to the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. In the third segment, I discuss my thesis in the new article I published with the monthly horoscope — about the environment known as the environment, and how Coronabro is just a small facet of that. Finally in Tantra Studio, I riff…


Where We Are, and Where We Might Go

  Rosanne Cash. This edition of Planet Waves FM begins with a discussion of basic facts surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and resulting effects, including how we got here, the preparedness crisis, what we don’t know, and how we are navigating a near-worst-case scenario. What lessons do we have to learn, and are we learning them? And will we remember? The second segment focuses the astrology, including the Aries New Moon, Saturn in Aquarius, and a continued discussion of this shock early in the Age of Aquarius. The third looks at some of the scientific facts behind how this virus…


Planet Waves FM exclusive: interview with Dr. Ward B. Stone, who for 40 years served as NYS wildlife pathologist

  Dr. Ward B. Stone with Planet Waves reporter Genevieve Salerno, in his laboratory in Delmar, NY, 2008. This is an interview with Dr. Ward B. Stone, who for more than 40 years served as New York State’s wildlife pathologist. Dr. Stone ran one of the world’s only wildlife pathology units, and is an internationally-renowned expert on virus transmission from animals to humans, including West Nile virus, rabies, and other pathogens. He’s also the discoverer of PCB contamination in the United States, which is how I know him. He’s one of my most trusted sources and a hero of…
