Sun in Virgo. Mars square Saturn. More from the history of science. David Rasnick Interview

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Tonight’s program includes an interview with David Rasnick, a biochemist and forensic virologist, who will help us make some sense out of the facts and disinformation surrounding Covid-19 and the supposedly “novel” coronavirus. We begin with a topic familiar to listeners: the origins of the virus, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay being used to falsely inflate the case count. The program begins with a discussion of Mars in Aries mixing it up with retrograde Capricorn planets, covers the healing-integration theme of the Sun in Virgo, and concludes with Tantra Studio.
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.Program Resources!
Children’s Heath Defense press conference on its fraud, racketeering and civil rights lawsuit against Facebook, Politifact, and other “fact checking” organizations. If you listen through you will hear that Planet Waves FM (in the person of me) was one of just two journalists who asked a question…at a PRESS conference.
Here is the summons and complaint.
More from RFK Jr. — CDC suspended death categorization rules
Swiss Policy Research data collection with excellent overview.
Here’s a good one — sent by David, from Swiss Policy Resaerch.
Covid Facts per Swiss Policy Research, including details of infection fatality rate, which place it overall at approximately 0.1 to 0.2, rather than the official claim of 0.65, or the original projections of 3% to 7%.
Studies on Covid Fatality by Swiss Policy Research
Additional resources from David Rasnick
David’s CV, including publications
Don’t forget this one! Declassified DHS memo on PSYCHOGENIC ILLNESS.
Business Insider (very mainstream) article discussing how the seasonal flu is a far worse threat to people than Covid.
&">We Will ReCode You (Bill Gates on his genetically modifying “vaccine”)