Planet Waves FM returns with special guest Rick Santorum
In today’s spectacular Welcome Back edition of Planet Waves FM, Rick Santorum appears to explain himself. Rick is a product of the centaur planets Chiron and Nessus, which you can see in the chart below are conjunct his Moon and Sun respectively.

Before I get into that, however, I describe the current Pisces sky with the Sun in late Aquarius. Charts are posted in the few blog posts below; not only are there currently many planets in Pisces, there is also a spectacular alignment today that I describe. That’s Mercury conjunct Chiron and sextile Jupiter — which bridges Pisces to Taurus and is just about as perfect of an expression as you can get of blending these energies — earth and water, mind and knowledge, the misty light of Pisces with the focusing agent of Chiron. I won’t say much more here — the audio tells you most of what you’ll want to know and I can reply to your queries here.
Now as for Mr. Santorum. Here’s the page of quotes that I’m reading from a bit clumsily; and here is what happens when you do a Google search for his name.
The chart is a noon chart as his time isn’t published yet. I focus on the Sun and the Moon. The Sun is conjunct Nessus; the Moon is conjunct Chiron. You may recognize Venus and Mars without needing a glyph key — they match the symbols on the bathroom doors in restaurants. The upshot is that Santorum is inheriting a raft of pain and a kind of infection from his parents; he’s a sensualist who doesn’t want to admit it; and worst of all he is at war with his feminine side, which he then projects into a war onto women. He needs therapy, not the opportunity to inflict his personal pain on society.
This and more in today’s edition of Planet Waves FM. Listen in the old player here.
Note to readers — there are many more podcasts, the full archives, recordings and interviews from astrology conferences and much more at the Planet Waves FM homepage.
Note to Readers: Len Wallick’s astrology updates right below this post.