Tonight we meet the wolf dogs of New Mexico, and the person who takes care of them — Azlan White.
I begin with a reading of the Aries New Moon, which took place early Friday. And I will look at the known facts and the astrology surrounding the death of Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters. Here is the chart for his body being found, as best we can reckon it.
For my recent article about the Aries New Moon, please see this page on Planet Waves. You may find the Aries Monthly Horoscope at this link, though you need to be a paying member of Planet Waves to do so. If you are a monthly contributor to Chiron Return/Planet Waves FM, write to us for access.
Thanks for tuning in. I should have the program on the server by 10 pm Eastern Time.
Tonight I consider what happened to Taylor Hawkins, the immensely talented drummer of the Foo Fighters. As you may recall, this was the band that led the way with the first-ever allegedly 100% vaccinated concert at Madison Square Garden.
We are reading that Hawkins was an avowed anti-vaxxer and believed that vaccines cause autism. While this is, in theory, controversial, can you argue both sides of the issue?
Taylor Hawkins chart — my rectification of birth time.
The press is calling Hawkins an “AIDS denialist,” and I know what that translates to: someone who is aware that the virus model of HIV and AIDS does not stand up to scrutiny.
Anyway, why would that particular position matter?
And what killed Hawkins, a 50-year-old superathlete drummer?
Long ago, Grateful Dead spokesman Dennis McNally once said to me, “Rock stars die of overdoses.” But not all of them. Hawkins complained specifically of chest pains prior to his death, after being forced to receive a series of “covid” injections by his supposedly best friend David Grohl.
No doubt authorities will try to blame his death on recreational drugs. Consider this paragraph from Associated Press:
“Colombia’s Prosecutor’s Office released a statement Saturday saying toxicological tests on urine from Hawkins’ body preliminarily found 10 psychoactive substances and medicines, including marijuana, opioids, tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines. It did not provide a cause of death and investigations are continuing.”
“Found” means “found traces of.” It does not necessarily mean lethal doses or combinations. The circumstances of his death did not resemble those of an overdose (goes unconscious after injection, for example). And note that the results of blood toxicology can take six months to come back — not one day.
But we do know that the “covid” injections are associated with myocarditis, periocarditis, heart failure and heart explosion. We have reported all of this many times on Planet Waves FM.
Mostly, I am concerned with the ethics of one person forcing another person to take a drug over and above their ethical concerns.