Dear Hillary: Get Over Yourself!
In tonight’s edition of Planet Waves FM, I read the natal and progressed charts of Hillary Rodham Clinton. I cover the current astrology, including a solid introduction to Chiron, on the way to describing the Jupiter-Chiron opposition that happens later this week (and is in full effect right now). My musical guest is Jerry Garcia, who died 21 years ago today (his 74th birthday would have been Aug. 1).
BALANCE, the 2016 Midyear Reading by Eric Francis, is now available for pre-order. Get all 12 signs for just $57, including immediate access to The Art of Living, the beautiful summer reading from last year that's still useful today. Pre-order your reading today.
Hey, Leo! The audio segments of your 2016-17 birthday reading by Eric have now been published, and the video is on its way. Get hold of the perfect guide to the next 12 months.